This recipe post is sponsored by Bob’s Red Mill. As always, all opinions are my own. 🙂
Hey strangers. No, literally, hey, STRANGERS. It’s been so long since I last blogged I truly have no idea who reads my blog anymore. I took a brief hiatus in 2015 from full-time blogging for some personal and business adventures and it’s taken me LITERALLY until 2017 to recover, come up for air, see the light, eat the cookies, fill in the blank with your cliche of choice.
I was worried that I’d get to my computer, open up that “new post” and have nothing to say, but my fingers are flying across the keyboard. I’ve missed this. All the times I’ve thought about blogging in the past year, all the times I made a new recipe, all the times I took a picture of my brunch dish, I thought about you guys – the blogging world. A world in which I was knee deep less than two years ago and a world that feels light years away today. These days, I’m knee deep in the world of motherhood and fitness and business ownership. It’s been a world that’s about a gazillion times harder than I ever expected but also a gazillion times more rewarding. Kind of like these cookies…….